Second Advanced School on Integral Equations and Applications
Lisbon, May 18-20, 2017
The Second Advanced School on Integral Equations and Applications (SIE2017)
will be held in Lisbon,
at Instituto Superior Técnico, on May 18-20, 2017.
The school is open to early career scientists (i.e. Ph.D. students, young post-doctoral scientists and
students) who want to increase their knowledge on the analysis and numerical
solution of different types
of integral equations and their applications.
The school also aims at bringing together researchers, known for their expertise in
integral equations,
fractional differential equations, integro-differential equations
and their applications, for three days
of research training and exchange of ideas.
The school offers three short courses and some seminars, and a few short oral presentations
by Ph.D.
students are welcome. Further information is given here.
There are no fees to attend the school but people interested in attending some
lectures are kindly
requested to register.
- Teresa Diogo (IST-UL, CEMAT, Portugal)
- Luisa Fermo (University of Cagliari, Italy)
- Pedro Lima (IST-UL, CEMAT, Portugal)
For any further information please send an email to
- Teresa Diogo:
- Luisa Fermo:
Available here
Available here
Available here