Recent talks at conferences

Giuseppe Rodriguez


F. Pes, L. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez.
On the computation of the pseudoinverse of large and sparse regularization matrices.
Numerical Linear Algebra (NLACIRM24), Luminy, France, September 16–20, 2024.
F. Pes and G. Rodriguez.
A projection method for large scale linear inverse problems with a general form regularizing term.
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA24), MS114 Acceleration of Methods for the Solution of Large Scale Problems, Paris, France, May 13–17, 2024.
E. Crabu, F. Pes, G. Rodriguez, and G. Tanda.
On the ideality of photometric stereo datasets under unknown lighting.
CAM23 - Computational and Applied Mathematics, Selva di Fasano, Italy, August 29–September 1, 2023.
L. Fermo, M. Ratto, and G. Rodriguez.
On approximating continuous measures by discrete measures.
SIMAI 2023, MS-15 - New trends in Applicable Approximation Theory, Matera, Italy, August 28–September 1, 2023.
G. Rodriguez.
Gaussian quadrature rules for complex network analysis.
NASCA23 - Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation with Applications, MS on Gaussian quadrature rules: from integrals to Krylov methods, Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023.
A. Azzarelli, C. Brezinski, C. Fenu, M. Redivo-Zaglia, and G. Rodriguez.
Extrapolation methods for choosing a regularization parameter.
25th ILAS Conference, Madrid, MSC07: The interplay between linear-multilinear algebra and rational approximation, Madrid, Spain, June 12–16, 2023.
G. Rodriguez.
From Wiener algebras to ill-posed problems: (almost) 30 years with Cor.
Giornata di Discussioni Matematiche in Onore di Cornelis van der Mee, Cagliari, Italy, May 12, 2023.
P. Díaz de Alba, L. Fermo, F. Pes, L. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez.
Regularized minimal-norm solution of overdetermined first kind integral models.
FAATNA 2022: Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis, S1: Integral Equations: Recent Developments in Numerics and Applications, Matera, Italy, July 5–8, 2022.
F. Pes, L. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez.
Regularized solution of large scale underdetermined nonlinear least-squares problems.
NMLSP 2022: Numerical Methods for Large Scale Problems, MS5: Recent developments in projection methods with applications, Belgrade, Serbia, June 6–10, 2022.
P. Díaz De Alba, L. Fermo, F. Pes, and G. Rodriguez.
Computing the regularized minimal-norm solution of an overdetermined system of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind in a RKHS.
5th Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Applications, Session on Numerical Integration, Integral Equations and Transforms, Canazei, Italy, September 6–10, 2021.
A. Concas (speaker), C. Fenu, G. Rodriguez, G. Tanda, and M. Vanzi.
Mathematical tools for dating and documentation in archaeological science: seriation and photometric stereo shape reconstruction.
XIXth world UISPP Congress, S15-A - Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique, Meknés, Morocco, September 2–7, 2021.
P. Díaz De Alba, L. Fermo, and G. Rodriguez.
A Nyström method for second kind Fredholm integral equations based on anti-Gauss quadrature rules.
SIMAI 2020+2021, MS-01 - New trends in Numerical Analysis: Theory and Applications, Parma, Italy, August 30–September 3, 2021.
A. Concas, C. Fenu, and G. Rodriguez.
On the solution of the photometric stereo problem with unknown lighting.
INdAM Workshop - Mathematical Methods for Objects Reconstruction: from 3D Vision to 3D Printing, Rome, Italy, February 10–12, 2021.
G. Rodriguez.
Recovering the electromagnetic features of the subsoil via linear and nonlinear models.
ICIAM 2019 - International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, MS FT-S-4 - Computational Methods for Inverse Problems, Valencia, Spain, July 15–19. Invited talk, 2019.
A. Concas, R. Dessì, C. Fenu, G. Rodriguez, and M. Vanzi.
Photometric stereo under unknown lights position.
Recent Advances in Scientific Computation - ETNA25, Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari, Italy), May 27–29, 2019.
G. Deidda, P. Díaz De Alba, G. Rodriguez, and G. Vignoli.
Smooth and sparse inversion of EMI data from multi-configuration measurements.
IEEE-RTSI 2018, $4^{\text{th}}$ International Forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry, Technical Session on Advances Numerical Modeling, Palermo (Italy), September 10–13. Invited talk, 2018.
G. Rodriguez.
New and not so new methods for estimating a regularization parameter.
INdAM intensive period: Computational Methods for Inverse Problems in Imaging (CMIPI 2018), Como, July 16–18. Invited talk, 2018.
G. Rodriguez.
Regularization parameter determination in the numerical solution of first kind integral equations.
SIMAI 2018, Minisymposium MS-20 - Numerical Methods for Integral Equations and Applications, Roma, July 2–6. Invited talk, 2018.
G. Deidda, P. Díaz De Alba, C. Fenu, G. Rodriguez, and G. Vignoli.
Improving sharpness in geophysical imaging by TV-based regularization.
SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Minisymposium on Numerical Linear Algebra Techniques for Image Restoration and Reconstruction (MS34), Bologna (Italy), June 5–8. Invited talk, 2018.
G. Rodriguez.
Numeri dappertutto: la matematica nella società.
SulciScienza, idee per la cultura, per la società, per la scienza, Carbonia, November 13–19. Invited talk, 2017.
G. Deidda, P. Díaz De Alba, G. Rodriguez, and G. Vignoli.
A relaxed Gauss-Newton algorithm for low frequency EM data inversion with applications in geophysics.
SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Minisymposium on Mathematical and Computational Advances in Geoelectromagnetic Forward and Inverse Modelling (MS68, MS78), Erlangen (Germany), September 10–14. Invited talk, 2017.
C. Mannu, G. Rodriguez, and M. Vanzi.
Capitolo II. Rilievo 3D non a contatto: tecniche speciali per l'arte rupestre.
Presentazione del volume: Nuove tecniche di documentazione e di analisi per una ricostruzione delle società dalla fine del V al III millennio a.C. A cura di Giuseppa Tanda, Editore Condaghes. Cittadella dei Musei “Giovanni Lilliu”, Cagliari, March 31. Invited talk, 2017.
G. Rodriguez.
Come faremmo senza matematica?
Festival della Scienza “La Scienza che unisce i popoli”, Cagliari, November 8–13. Invited talk, 2016.
G. Rodriguez.
Large scale computation of the trace of a matrix function.
International Workshop on Applied Mathematics & Quantum Information, Cagliari, November 3–4, 2016.
R. Dessì, C. Mannu, G. Rodriguez, G. Stocchino, G. Tanda, and M. Vanzi.
3D restoration of prehistoric petroglyphs by photometric stereo.
SIMAI 2016, Minisymposium MS-31: New Mathematical Trends in Imaging, Milano, September 13–16. Invited talk, 2016.
M. Bellalij, E. Cannas, A. Concas, C. Fenu, D. Martin, R. Reichel, G. Rodriguez, H. Sadok, and T. Tang.
Efficient computation of complex networks metrics by block Gauss quadrature rules.
$20^{\text{th}}$ ILAS Conference 2016, Minisymposium on Matrix Methods in Network Analysis, KU Leuven, Belgium, July 11–15, 2016. Invited talk, 2016.
G. Rodriguez.
A survey of inverse problems relevant in applied geophysics.
Opening Meeting for the Research Project GNCS 2016 “PING - Inverse Problems in Geophysics”, Florence, Italy, April 6, 2016.
R. Dessì, C. Mannu, G. Rodriguez, G. Stocchino, G. Tanda, and M. Vanzi.
Shape reconstruction by photometric stereo with unknown lighting.
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra 2015, MS14 Recent Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra for Image Processing, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, USA, October 26–30. Invited talk. Available online, 2015.
M. Bellalij, C. Fenu, R. Reichel, G. Rodriguez, and H. Sadok.
Approximating the trace of a matrix function via partial global block lanczos decomposition.
XX Congresso U.M.I., Sezione S12: Algebra lineare numerica e ottimizzazione, Siena, Italy, September 7–12. Invited talk, 2015.
M. E. Hochstenbach, L. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez.
The COSE method for the regularization of linear discrete ill-posed problems.
Two Days on Applied Mathematics in Cagliari, Italy, April 9–10, 2015.
G. Deidda, C. Fenu, and G. Rodriguez.
On a nonlinear inverse problem in electromagnetic sounding.
Structured Numerical Linear and Multilinear Algebra: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications, Kalamata, Greece, September 8–12. Invited talk, 2014.
J. Baglama, C. Fenu, R. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez.
Low-rank approximation methods for ranking the nodes of a complex network.
2014 SIAM Annual Meeting, MS30 Innovative Linear Algebra Techniques for Complex Networks, The Palmer House, Chicago, USA, July 7–11. Invited talk, 2014.
M. Vanzi, R. Mannu, C. Dessì, , G. Rodriguez, and G. Tanda.
Recent improvements in photometric stereo for rock art 3D imaging.
Documenting Prehistoric Parietal Art: Recently Developed Digital Recording Techniques, Cambridge, U. K., May 21–22, 2014.
G. Tanda, M. Vanzi, C. Mannu, G. Rodriguez, and R. Dessì.
Photometric stereo for 3D mapping of carvings and relieves: case studies on prehistorical art in Sardinia.
XVII Seminário Internacional de Arte Rupestre de Mação, Mação, Portugal, April 9–10, 2014.
J. Baglama, C. Fenu, R. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez.
Fast ranking of nodes on digraphs.
Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Linear Algebra (VDM60), Cagliari, September 2–5, 2013.
G. Deidda, C. Fenu, and G. Rodriguez.
Regularized solution of linear and nonlinear problems in electromagnetic sounding.
2013 SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Minisymposium on Recent Regularization Methods for Subsurface Prospection and Remote Sensing (MS86), Padova, June 17–20. Invited talk, 2013.
C. Fenu, D. Martin, R. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez.
Fast computation of centrality indices in complex networks.
New Frontiers in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Kent, Ohio, U.S.A., April 19–20, 2013.
C. Fenu and G. Rodriguez.
Valutazione di funzioni matriciali con applicazioni alle reti complesse.
Due giornate di Matematica Applicata, Cagliari, October 16–17, 2012.
C. Fenu, D. Martin, L. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez.
Fast ranking of nodes on a network with respect to $f$-subgraph centrality.
Structured Numerical Linear and Multilinear Algebra. Problems Analysis, Algorithms, and Applications, KU Leuven, Belgium, September 10–14. Invited talk, 2012.
L. Reichel and G. Rodriguez.
Confronto di vecchie e nuove tecniche per la determinazione di un parametro di regolarizzazione discreto.
Due Giorni di Algebra Lineare Numerica, Genova, February 16–17, 2012.
C. Fenu and G. Rodriguez.
Inversion of electromagnetic data.
Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Workshop on Numerical Linear Algebra, Budapest, Hungary, July 4–14. Invited talk, 2011.
G. Rodriguez.
A new criterion for choosing the regularization parameter in TSVD and iterative methods.
SIMAI 2010, Minisymposium on Analytical and Numerical Methods for Applied Inverse Problems, Cagliari, June 21–25, 2010.
G. Rodriguez.
Designing a library for structured linear algebra computation: solution of linear systems.
16th Conference of the ILAS, Minisymposium on Structured Matrices, Pisa, June 21–25. Invited talk, 2010.
G. Rodriguez.
Numerical effectiveness of the Regińska criterion in TSVD and iterative methods.
IPCA10 - Inverse Problems: Computation and Applications, CIRM Luminy, France, May 31–June 4. Invited talk, 2010.

Giuseppe Rodriguez