
  • FDEMtools

      A MATLAB package for FDEM data inversion
      Authors: G. P. Deidda, P. Díaz De Alba, C. Fenu, G. Lovicu, and G. Rodriguez
      This package provides a set of Matlab functions to solve a non-linear electromagnetic data inversion problem. Starting from electromagnetic data collected by a ground conductivity meter, we reconstruct either the electrical conductivity or the magnetic permeability of the soil with respect to depth by a regularized Gauss-Newton method. The inversion algorithm is based on the low-rank approximation of the Jacobian of the nonlinear model, which depends both on a relaxation parameter and a regularization parameter, chosen by automatic procedures.

      The package is described in the paper: The algorithms have been developed in the papers: The package requires the Regularization Tools toolbox by P.C. Hansen.
      Last updated: August 15, 2018.
  • mngn2
  • PQser

      A Matlab package for spectral seriation.
      Authors: A. Concas, C. Fenu, and G. Rodriguez.
      This toolbox contains an implementation of an algorithm to solve the seriation problem. It also implements a data structure for PQ trees.

      The toolbox is described in the paper: The spectral algorithm has been introduced in the paper
      • J. E. Atkins, E. G. Boman, and B. Hendrickson.
        A spectral algorithm for seriation and the consecutive ones problem.
        SIAM Journal on Computing, 28(1):297-310, 1998.
      Last updated: September 20, 2018.
  • ps3d

      A Matlab package for photometric stereo 3D reconstruction.
      Authors: A. Concas, R. Dessì, C. Fenu, G. Rodriguez, and M. Vanzi.
      The toolbox is described in the paper:
      • A. Concas, R. Dessì, C. Fenu, G. Rodriguez, and M. Vanzi
        Identifying the lights position in photometric stereo under unknown lighting.
        In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA), Cagliari, Italy, September 2021.
        To appear. Available at arXiv:1809.06933 [math.NA], 2021.
      Last updated: June 13, 2021.
  • Scorepochs: Matlab version - Python version

      A Computer-Aided Scoring Tool for Resting-State M/EEG Epochs
      Authors: M. Fraschini, M. Demuru, S. M. La Cava.
      The toolbox is described in the paper:
      • M. Fraschini, S. M. La Cava, G. Rodriguez, A. Vitale, M. Demuru
        Scorepochs: A Computer-Aided Scoring Tool for Resting-State M/EEG Epochs
        Sensors, 22:2953, 2022.
      Last updated: June 20, 2022.