Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Linear Algebra

Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
September 2-5, 2013

Book of abstracts
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Sessions and Abstracts

(click here to get the whole book of abstracts)

Keynote Speakers
  1. D.A. Bini, Geometric means of matrices: analysis and algorithms
  2. A. Degasperis, Rational solitons of resonant wave interaction models
  3. M. Klaus, Spectral problems associated with the matrix-valued AKNS equation
  4. T. Ruggeri, Recent results in rational extended thermodynamics: macroscopic approach and maximum entropy principle for dense and rarefied polyatomic gases

1. Session on Nonlinear Evolution Equations
  1. G. Biondini, Scalar and vector nonlinear Schrödinger systems with non-zero boundary conditions
  2. A. Calini, Integrable flows for starlike curves in centroaffine spaces
  3. L. Fermo, Computation of relevant scattering data in the Zakharov-Shabat system
  4. T. Gramchev, Global normal forms and spectral properties for perturbations of harmonic oscillators
  5. S. Lombardo, Automorphic Lie algebras
  6. A. Moro, Breaking mechanism from a vacuum point in the defocusing nonlinear Schroedinger equation
  7. F. Mueller-Hoissen, Sylvester equations and integrable systems: a bidifferential calculus perspective
  8. G. Ortenzi, Effects of inertia and stratification in incompressible ideal fluids: pressure imbalances by rigid confinement
  9. P. Santini, Integrable multidimensional PDEs of hydrodynamic type: method of solution and multidimensional wave breaking
  10. C. Schiebold, Multiple-pole solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
  11. M. Secondini, Analytical approximations of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation: applications to optical communications and information theory
  12. M. Sommacal, Propagation and control of nanoscale magnetic-droplet solitons
  13. S. Vernier Piro, A Keller-Segel model in chemotaxis with blow-up solutions
  14. F. Vitale, The inverse scattering transform for the defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions

2. Session on Kinetic Theory, Transport Theory, and Applications
  1. L. Barletti, Signal-noise interaction in nonlinear optical fibers: a fluid-dynamic approach
  2. F. Borghero, Some new results in geometrical optics
  3. G. Frosali, Nonlinear analysis of the two-mass-skate bicycle model
  4. S. Mignemi, Analytical mechanics of a relativistic particle in a positional potential
  5. S. Pennisi, Extended Thermodynamics from the Lagrangian view-point

3. Session on Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications
  1. M. Benzi, Decay properties for functions of matrices over C*-algebras
  2. G. Boyadzhiev, Characteristic curves in modeling of the earth crust and upper mantle
  3. C. Estatico, Regularized nonconvex minimization for image restoration
  4. D. Fasino, A modularity-based spectral graph analysis
  5. C. Fenu, Fast ranking of nodes on digraphs
  6. G. Mastroianni, Fredholm integral equations on the real semiaxis: a numerical method
  7. B. Meini, On the solution of certain algebraic Riccati equations arising fluid queues
  8. S. Noschese, A modified TSVD method for discrete ill-posed problems
  9. P. Pintus, Modal analysis in non reciprocal waveguide based on the finite element method
  10. A. Ran, Asymptotics of the smallest singular value of a class of Toeplitz-generated matrices and related finite rank perturbations
  11. L. Reichel, Rational Krylov methods and Gauss quadrature
  12. S. Serra Capizzano, A symbol approach in IgA matrix analysis (and in the design of efficient multigrid methods)
  13. M. Van Barel, ``Good'' points for multivariate polynomial interpolation and approximation
  14. G. Viglialoro, A free boundary numerical method for solving an overdetermined elliptic problem

4. Poster session
  1. R. Brown, Propagation and interaction of coherent structures in ferromagnetic systems
  2. S. Gazzola, Parameter selection strategies for the Arnoldi-Tikhonov method
  3. A. Karapiperi, Convergence acceleration of row action methods
  4. V. Knibbeler, Automorphic Lie algebras with dihedral symmetry
  5. F. Lenti, Regularization methods to resolution enhancement of remote sensed data
  6. G. Tranquilli, Spectral properties of perturbations of complex harmonic oscillators

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Fri 30 Aug 2013, 17:36:24
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